华彩顺成装饰材料有限公司成立于2007年,注册资金3000万,是专业从事高档装饰纸生产型企业,在广东和天津均设有生产基地, 共有10条生产线(1条德国Kochsieck , 1条德国Rotodecor 及8条陕西北人印刷线),可生产幅宽4尺到7尺的印刷装饰纸.现拥有一批精干的管理人员和一支高素质的专业技术队伍,舒适优雅的办公环境和3万平方米的全新现代化标准厂房。 公司始终坚持“专业执着、创新务实、精益求精、铸造华彩品牌”的经营理念,秉持德国的“核心技术+严谨质量” 管理理念,十多年不懈努力创新发展。优良品质、细腻色彩和多系列风格贏得了大批国内外家具和地板厂商的青睐和首肯。产品远销海内外,如俄罗斯、土耳其、泰国、马来西亚、韩国、台湾等多个国家和地区。 公司至今推出3个系列,华彩HC系列使用西班牙及瑞士油墨,夏王原纸,紧跟市场潮流,满足客户高端需求;树语TS系列将部分原材料国产化,以价格为竞争力,扩大市场占有率;2019年推出悦彩UC系列,该系列完全引进欧洲设计、分色以及制版,通过精湛的工艺还原设计师的理念。 我们将不断的完善提高,为客户朋友提供卓越的品质和更专业的服务。真诚希望与您成为长期的合作伙伴!您的成功是我们的最终目标! Huacai Shuncheng Decorative Material Co., Ltd. was established in 2007 with a registered capital of 30 million. We are engaged in high-quality decorative paper production. It has two plants in Guangdong and Tianjin with totally 9 printing lines (1 German Kochsiek, 1 German Rotodecor and 8 lines from Shaanxi Beiren), can produce printed decorative paper from 4 to 7 feet in width.Now it has a group of capable managers and a high-quality professional technical team, comfortable and elegant office environment and 30,000 square meters of new modern standard factory. We adhere to profession, innovation, excellence to cast Huacai brand, and take German technology and quality attitude as our management philosophy. We keep on making more than a decade of unremitting efforts to innovate and develop since Huacai founded. Our excellent quality, delicate color and multi-series style won favor and approval from a large number of furniture and floor manufacturers in domestic and abroad. Our Products are exported to Russia, Turkey, Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan and many other countries and regions. So far we have launched 3 series, HC(Huacai) series, using Spanish and Swiss ink, Kingdecor base-paper, follow the market trend, to meet customers’s high demand; TS (Tree saying )series localize some raw materials, take price as competitiveness to expand market; In 2019, the UC(U-color) series was launched, not only design and color separation, but also the cylinder engraving comes from Europe, and convey the designer's concept through exquisite printing. We will continue to improve ourselves and supply professional services to customers and friends. Sincerely hope to become a long-term partner with you! Your success is our ultimate goal!
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